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SEM micrograph showing: (a) the general morphologies of the WC,and (b) higher magnification of with WC grains in the order of 0.15-0.2 micron

SEM micrograph showing: (a) the general morphologies of the WC,and (b) higher magnification of with WC grains in the order of 0.15-0.2 micron

Micrograined WC Product Spec Sheet




Micrograined Tungsten Carbide Products

Materials Name

Tungsten Carbide




6.12±0.05 wt%carbon and 93.88 ± 0.05 wt%tungsten, Average particle size (APS) 0.1-0.2 mm, 0.4 mm, and 0.6 mm


Hardmetal bulk or surface applications


InfralloyTM 7400-1


Micrograined WC

0.1-0.2 μm


6.12±0.05wt%C, m.p. 2870 oC, b.p. 6000 oC, density 15.63 g/cm3




Quantity & Price

1 kg


5 kg


10 kg


50 kg


100 kg

Contact us for a reduced price

500 kg

Contact us for a price quote

1 metric ton

Contact us for a price quote

10 metric ton

Contact us for a price quote





InfralloyTM 7400-4


Micrograined WC

0.4 μm


6.12±0.05wt%C, m.p. 2870 oC, b.p. 6000 oC, density 15.63 g/cm3


Quantity & Price

1 kg


5 kg


10 kg


50 kg


100 kg

Contact us for a reduced price

500 kg

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1 metric ton

Contact us for a price quote

10 metric tons

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InfralloyTM 7400-6


Micrograined WC

0.6 μm


6.12±0.05wt%C, m.p. 2870 oC, b.p. 6000 oC, density 15.63 g/cm3


Quantity & Price

1 kg


5 kg


10 kg


50 kg


100 kg

Contact us for a reduced price

500 kg

Contact us for a price quote

1 metric ton

Contact us for a price quote

10 metric tons

Contact us for a price quote

Other sizes of micrograined tungsten carbide are also available depending on customer's specific needs.


Tel: 860.553.6154 | Fax: 860.553.6645 |

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